The Scythians were a nomadic nation living on the steppes of what is today southern russia and northern Iran (the map shows where we think Scythia must have been). They were the first eurasian peope to domesticate the horse, and have been credited as being the first to use archery on horseback. Because of the nomadic lifestyle, they fought with most others they came in contact with, and, as such, had developed very sophisticated mounted weaponry.
They were renouned archers, and there extraordinary prowess was recognised worldwide. They used small compound bows and were deadly efficient. The bows were double curved, but not to the extent of some eastern bows, such as the mongols.
Scythian ARchers had gained such renown throughout the world that in Athens around the 5th Century, there was a sort of Police force known as the Scythian Arhcers, though they were neither scythian, nor necessarily archers. The Name Scythian Archers obviously had undertones of power and superiority.
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